Xirmada Tirooyinka Antigen-ka ee Canine Distemper Virus (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CDV Ag)
Helicobacter Pylori Qalabka Tirooyinka Antigen (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Qiimaynta Naadirka Dhulka ee Nanocrystals)(HP Ag)
Fayraska Leukemia Feline Antigen (FeLV Ag) & Fayraska difaaca jirka ee Feline Ab(FIV Ab)Qalabka Tijaabada
Kanine Parvovirus/Keerka Tiro-koobeedka Antigen-ka Canine (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CPV/CCV Ag)
Giardia Antigen Kitaabkii Tiro-koobka (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Qiimaynta Naadirka Dhulka ee Nanocrystals)(GIA Ag)
Feline Parvovirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FPV Ag)
Feline Herpesvirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FHV Ag)
Feline Leukemia Virus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FeLV Ag)
Feline Calicivirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FCV Ag)
Qalabka Tiro-koobka ee Feline Coronavirus Antigen (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Qiimaynta Naadirka Dhulka ee Nanocrystals)(FCoV Ag)
Qalabka Tiro-koobka Kanine Parvovirus Antigen-ka (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CPV Ag)
Qalabka Quantitative-ka ee Gooryaanka Wadnaha ee Antigen (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CHW)
Qalabka Tirooyinka Antigen-ka ee Canine (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CCV Ag)
Xirmada Tirooyinka Antigen-ka ee Canine Distemper Virus (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (CDV Ag)
Magaca alaabta | Nooca | Codsiga bukaan socodka | Qalabka lagu dabaqi karo | Habka | Tilmaamaha | Xusuusta |
CDV Ag | Antigens | Ogaanshaha cudurrada hab-mareenka neef-mareenka ee uu keeno fayraska distemper ee canine | H2/NTIM4 | Naadirka dhulka nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 imtixaan/sanduuqa | 2 ~ 40℃ |
Helicobacter Pylori Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (HP Ag)
Magaca alaabta | Nooca | Codsiga bukaan socodka | Qalabka lagu dabaqi karo | Habka | Tilmaamaha | Xusuusta |
HP Ag | Antigens | Ogaanshaha cudurrada mindhicirka ee ay keento Helicobacter pylori | H2/NTIM4 | Naadirka dhulka nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 imtixaan/sanduuqa | 2 ~ 40℃ |
Fayraska Leukemia fayraska Antigen (FeLV Ag) & Fayraska difaaca jirka ee Feline (FIV Ab) Qalabka tijaabada
Magaca alaabta | Nooca | Codsiga bukaan socodka | Qalabka lagu dabaqi karo | MEthodology | Tilmaamaha | Mdareen |
FeLV Ag/FIV Ab | Antigens | Ogaanshaha leukemia-ga feline ee uu keeno fayraska leukemia feline/ Ogaanshaha cudurrada difaaca jirka ee uu keeno Fayraska Immunodeficiency Feline | H2/NTIM4 | Naadirka dhulka nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 imtixaan/sanduuqa | 2 ~ 40℃ |
Giardia Antigen Kitaabkii Tiro-koobeedka (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (GIA Ag)
magaca alaabta | nooca | Codsiga bukaan socodka | Qalabka lagu dabaqi karo | Habka | tilmaamo | Xusuusta |
GIA Ag | Antigens | Ogaanshaha cudurrada mindhicirka ee ay keento Giardia | H2/NTIM4 | Naadirka dhulka nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 imtixaan/sanduuqa | 2 ~ 40℃ |
Feline Parvovirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FPV Ag)
magaca alaabta | nooca | Codsiga bukaan socodka | Qalabka lagu dabaqi karo | Habka | tilmaamo | Xusuusta |
FPV Ag | Antigens | Ogaanshaha cudurrada mindhicirka ee uu keeno feline parvovirus | H2/NTIM4 | Naadirka dhulka nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 imtixaan/sanduuqa | 2 ~ 40℃ |
Feline Herpesvirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FHV Ag)
magaca alaabta | nooca | Codsiga bukaan socodka | Qalabka lagu dabaqi karo | Habka | tilmaamo | Xusuusta |
FHV AG | Antigens | Ogaanshaha cudurrada hab-mareenka neef-mareenka ee uu keeno fayraska herpes feline | H2/NTIM4 | Naadirka dhulka nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 imtixaan/sanduuqa | 2 ~ 40℃ |
Feline Leukemia Virus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FeLV Ag)
magaca alaabta | nooca | Codsiga bukaan socodka | Qalabka lagu dabaqi karo | Habka | tilmaamo | Xusuusta |
FeLV Ag | Antigens | Ogaanshaha leukemia-ga feline ee uu keeno fayraska leukemia-ga | H2/NTIM4 | Naadirka dhulka nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 imtixaan/sanduuqa | 2 ~ 40℃ |
Feline Calicivirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FCV Ag)
magaca alaabta | nooca | Codsiga bukaan socodka | Qalabka lagu dabaqi karo | Habka | tilmaamo | Xusuusta |
FCV Ag | Antigens | Ogaanshaha cudurrada hab-mareenka neef-mareenka ee uu keeno feline calicivirus | H2/NTIM4 | Naadirka dhulka nanocrystalline fluorescence Immunochromatography | 10 imtixaan/sanduuqa | 2 ~ 40℃ |
Qalabka Tiro-koobka Kanine Parvovirus Antigen (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (CPV Ag)
magaca alaabta | nooca | Codsiga bukaan socodka | Qalabka lagu dabaqi karo | Habka | tilmaamo | Xusuusta |
CPV Ag | Antigens | Ogaanshaha cudurrada mindhicirka ee uu keeno fayraska canine parvovirus | H2/NTIM4 | Naadirka dhulka nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 imtixaan/sanduuqa | 2 ~ 40℃ |
Qalabka Quantitative-ka ee Gooryaanka Wadnaha ee Antigen (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (CHW)
magaca alaabta | nooca | Codsiga bukaan socodka | Qalabka lagu dabaqi karo | Habka | tilmaamo | Xusuusta |
CHW | Antigens | Ogaanshaha cudurka wadnaha ee uu keeno gooryaanka wadnaha ee eeyaha | H2/NTIM4 | Naadirka dhulka nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 imtixaan/sanduuqa | 2 ~ 40℃ |